Miss Young has been an invaluable asset in my college application journey. She pushed me to set deadlines and work hard to meet them, and due to her support and dedication, I was able to finish all of my college applications early. Without her guidance and encouragement, I wouldn't have been able to do it. She's an exceptional college counselor who is not only knowledgeable and professional, but she also cares deeply about her students and wants them to succeed. Miss Young is a great resource and I am lucky to have had the opportunity to work with her.
I cannot express enough gratitude for the support and guidance provided by my college counselor, Robell. Not only did she expertly navigate me through the college application process, but she also went above and beyond as a counselor, offering her assistance during a difficult time when I had nowhere to stay in New York. Her kind and helpful nature made me feel supported and understood, and her dedication and hard work helped me to submit all of my college applications on time. Thank you, Robell, for your invaluable help and support.
My experience working with you has been a positive one, for the most part. I thought having you checking in with me every now and then during my Sophomore year and Junior year was really beneficial. It helped remind me what I needed to complete in order to stay on top of things. The instructions you gave me then were clear and concise, and it was clear to me what I needed to get done.
Fast forward to the summer of my Junior year, we started working together more closely. Right away you dumped a huge assignment on me for college research, which made sense to me since I only had 3 months until I needed to start on my applications. However, being unfamiliar with the entire application process, I thought the extra research I needed to do on each school was unnecessary. Though it was tedious, I got it done.
It was then time to start writing draft essays for you. I had to write 6 draft essays in total during the summer and I thought it was useless. I thought the prompts you gave me had nothing to do with the applications and I was just wasting my time doing all this extra writing. Which was the big reason why I was always hesitant to send you the essays on time. However, once I started the application process, I realized I had to do less writing since the prompts were pretty much the same.
I knew the constant texting and meetings were necessary in order to keep me on track, but I always found it annoying as I am someone who always spends their free time at the gym. Every time we needed to have a meeting resulted in me either losing time in the gym, or losing time to hangout with my friends, which at the time made me upset. But now, being able to see the bigger picture, understand how ignorant I was thinking that way.
I personally want to thank you for all you have done for me through this application process. You helped me stay on top of things even though I can be hard to work with. If I could give 1 constructive criticism, it would be sending your students a rundown of the schedule, and the purpose of each assignment. I understand you refrained from doing so in order to minimize the stress on your students. However, I like to have everything planned out early and it would have been helpful for me to see a complete schedule and checklist for each assignment. I want to thank you once again for being my counselor, it was great working with you.
Dear Ms.Young,
Ms. Young, I just want to thank you for the whole year. You are a brilliant guidance counselor who taught me how to find colleges that match me. I learned how to apply for college and how to write a formal letter. You had a high degree of participation in my college application. Meanwhile, I noticed you were concerned about your students.
In the end, You made me know myself. Not who I am, but what kind of person will I be......Thanks for making my college applying easier.
我一开始是通过朋友的介绍认识了杨老师。本以为老师会像所有中介一样,帮我干完所有事情。但后来我发现并不是这样的。杨老师会给根据我的想法给我很多建议,把每一件我要做的事情都清清楚楚的排列出来并让我一件件的完成。老师很负责任,会在每一次见面的时候检查我有没有做完她留的“作业。” 是我印象最深刻的还是我们一次完成fafsa和css的时候,老师很耐心的给我讲清楚每一项是什么。如今我被波士顿大学录取,家人都很为我感到骄傲。我很感谢杨老师对我的帮助,是老师引导我做出了最正确的决定。
Ms. Young is truly helping her students in the way of success. She always tries to encourage you to try something that is out of your comfort zone, and it usually ends up having a positive effect on your future when facing another obstacle. She is more proactive than her students, very optimistic and highly responsible. Other commendatory terms can be found by yourself if you look forward to receiving advice from her.
To be honest, I did not know where to start for my college application process. I did not care where I went to or got my degree from a while back, but now I am glad that I received help from Miss Young. I was lost from the enormous amount of work that stockpiled from applying to colleges, with no information on what colleges were looking for. From selecting the college with their campuses, to their programs and what they specialized in, Miss Young guided me through all the hard decisions while still keeping me in check when it came to application due dates. She kept me on top of everything college related while still pushing me to aim higher along the way. Without her or her determined personality, it would have been a lot more difficult and confusing.
兒子三年前往美國升讀高中, 幸運地遇上升學顧問Robell及她的團隊, 他
們經驗豐富, 目標明確, 計劃周詳, 並根據兒子的性格, 成績, 取長補短,
策略部署報讀足夠大學數量, 可謂萬無一失. 還有, 重要的一點, 他們很
早便督促兒子寫個人陳述, 並有專家建議修改, 時間非常充足. 所以兒子
結果, 兒子在聖誕及新年假期前後, 已收到多間大學的取錄通知, 其中一
另外, 收費方面, 三年的盡心盡力, 我認為非常值得,
最後, 感謝這三年來給兒子教導及輔導.
感激杨老师在大学申请期间对女儿Michelle 的悉心指导和帮助. 在我们对申请还很懵懂的时期有求必应. 如果没有您,申请就不会完成的那么顺利. 最终不辜负期望,女儿十分幸运的被哈佛大学录取. 再次感谢您的付出! 祝杨老师桃李满天下!
杨老师你好,Kevin大学的录取已经结束。卡内基梅隆大学现在已经给我们发来了选宿舍通知!回想我们一年多走过来的路走过来的里程多亏了有您的帮助,去年的今天,当时孩子上11年级,我因为工作忙,忽视了孩子的升学规划,我在迷茫无助的情况下,通过各种渠道到处去找升学辅导老师,发现大部分辅导老师都是顾弄玄机漫天开价 制造骗局,我儿子也非常反感 ,当我在大地360看到您的广告的时候抱着试试看的心理思想联系到了年,是您的气质打动了我,您的真诚让我们相信!尤其是我儿子果断的否定了我们联系交谈过的7个指导老师,肯定的选择了你!经过这一年多您的帮助,我肯定了儿子的眼光,我的确省了很多事,您督促孩子在繁琐的升学作业上的每一步,kevin是一个惰性很强的孩子,虽然潜质不错,但是没有您的启发开导和推动是不会有现在的成绩的作为的家长,我们非常非常的。感谢您!如果没有您的帮助,确实我们得不到这样的成绩,也得不到这样的效果。你善始善终每一步都做得尽善尽美,以至于孩子大学申请结束之后还来跟我们开会,教导孩子升大学所注意的事项,我觉得您是一个非常完美的升学指导。很幸运,我们当初选择了您,谢谢您的帮助,再次感谢。
選擇子女如何進適合的大學就是家長開始繁腦的時候。我们没有經驗的家長。如何幫子女選擇適合的大學,一概不知無從入手。什么时候應做的事如何處理。好幸運朋友介绍之下認識一個有经驗,細心和耐心的人就是Miss Yeung .有了她的幫忙教識我們如何幫我 子選擇適合他的大學。申请大學的過程事實上我巳經晚了一些在十一年班開始。Miss Yeung 用了她的知識和经验, 幫我兒子追回失去的時間和及時申请需要進大學的手續。還有介绍報讀好的學院温習去考好SAT. 拿得好些分数给大學。還教你们子女選擇適合自己的大學,如何申请有需要資助。Miss Yeung 還會和子女溝通選擇適合他们的科目和大學。各位家长们早些幫子女準備一切,應該在九年班開始直到入大學。再次多謝Miss Young 的幫忙。